The Collection

Weekly digest of the best things on the internet

Edition Eight

Sunday 13 Dec 2015

Short edition this week (if you exclude the massive 51 minute read about artificial intelligence). Taking a hiatus next week for Christmas and will be back for a New Year's edition on Sunday 27 December.

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1 Ten Years Since Cronulla, Things are Most Definitely Worse

A day reclaiming the beach has become a movement convinced that it needs to reclaim the entire country.

Ten Years Since Cronulla, Things are Most Definitely Worse
by Aamer Rahman for VICE
on 10 December 2015.
6 min read

2 Will artificial intelligence bring us utopia or destruction?

Bos­trom writes, "Artificial intelligence already outperforms human intelligence in many domains." The examples range from chess to Scrabble.

Bostrom's book essentially asks: What if it were? Assume that it has a broad ability to consider problems and that it has access to the Internet.

3 How Elon Musk and Y Combinator Plan to Stop Computers From Taking Over

They’re funding a new organization, OpenAI, to pursue the most advanced forms of artificial intelligence — and give the results to the public

How Elon Musk and Y Combinator Plan to Stop Computers From Taking Over
by Steven Levy for Backchannel
on 11 December 2015.
11 min read

4 Who is the Average Donald Trump Supporter?

A statistical analysis of whom is most likely a Donald Trump supporter.

A lot of pickup truck owners and Fox News enthusiasts.

Who is the Average Donald Trump Supporter?
by Rob Leathern
on 1 December 2015.
4 min read

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